With Just Cotton Balls and Another Common Household Item, You Can Ignite a Long-Lasting Fire

cotton ball fire starter

Fire, if controlled, makes any survival situation much easier to contend with. If you're quickly running out of light and need to ensure you have made a shelter and a fire to keep you warm, having some cotton balls, Vaseline, and of course your flint and steel (or matches will do), you can make a long-lasting fire!

This amazingly simple hack will make your fire-making efforts all but fail-safe! See how below:

Take one cotton ball and dip it in Vaseline if you have some. That way the cotton ball will burn much longer.

Place the cotton ball in the area where you wish to burn it.

cotton ball

Take your flint & steel and hold it up to the cotton ball and strike. It should only take one strike.


Using matches or a lighter will work too.

The cotton ball should immediately light up in flames. If you have Vaseline on the cotton ball it will burn for about a minute; if not, it will last 15 seconds.

cotton ball fire starter

Place flammable tinder such as dry leaves or plants to build the fire up. Then use thin twigs and build your way up to a fire.

Images via Survival Life

If you are a seasoned survivalist, you know this hack (and probably used it multiple times).

But as we grow more aware, more people are adopting the survival mentality, especially with all that is going on in the world.

To learn more about simple survival hacks you can easily adopt as part of your repertoire, check out Survival Life.

Featured Image via Survival Life


  1. Dave said:

    Also, if you have Cattail’s in your area, the white fiber inside of them makes great tinder.

  2. James Stealey said:

    Works great too, saturate cotton balls in Vaseline store in old medicine bottle or ziplock. Ignites with any spark!

  3. James Stealey said:

    Work great!! I store them in a old medicine bottle because they can be messy.

  4. Van Repp said:

    if you wouyld like to know how to make a better one that last 10-12 minutes I can help you out


