Why You Should Protect Your Devices From Electromagnetic Pulse

cell phone

If you take a look at the world around you, the world of modern civilization, that is – you might notice a large quantity of people staring at little electronic squares.

They’re on their phones, their tablets, their computers. It’s not difficult to make the assumption that people are extremely reliant on their daily technology.

Now, bringing an EMP, or an Electromagnetic Pulse, into the mix and the consequences would be devastating. An EMP is a sudden burst of electromagnetic radiation that can be extremely damaging to electronics.

Imagine everyone left in the dark after an EMP, with no access to their electronic devices. Let’s be honest: several of these people would feel completely lost and isolated.

If you can, you should plan on protecting your devices as much as possible. This can prove to be extremely beneficial when SHTF.

Take a look on the next page to learn why you should protect your devices in the event of an EMP.

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One Comment;

  1. John White said:

    What good is a working phone if the grid is down playing games on it?

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