Why These Prepper Rules-of-Three Are so Vital

3 way

Columnist Ken Jorgustin came up with a prepper’s “Rule of 3.” It is a timeline which, most obviously, breaks prepping and survival tactics into threes.

These theories have been written about in many books and magazines and, while they seem simple, the “Rule of 3” can be a little convoluted if not explained well.

The rules can take in anything from thinking, reacting, sheltering, water, air, food, and rebuilding! In other words, everything that makes it possible to survive.

After the break please go on over to the next page and take a look at just a few “Rules of 3” and how this timeline can work. Who knows, you may want to see if it is something you can use.

After all, a preppers motivation and attitude – at least for some – can certainly stem from any rules and beliefs they have hidden in the back of their minds!

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  1. Chris Nichols said:

    I can go all day out in the low desert heat of Phoenix, doing construction. The trick is don’t stop moving in the heat.

  2. Kathy Ingram said:

    I thought this was about the general rule of having 3 different modes of each important thing, such as communication devices, etc.?

  3. Chris Nichols said:

    In the heat, talking is lost moisture, and in the cold, nerves chatter can worm the morning. All noses is lost energy, so make it last all day.

  4. Brian Bimber said:

    That’s actually true. I clean windows in Phoenix. Im good as long as we are moving. If we spend to much time in the truck getting to a job, its much harder to keep going.


