Why Survival Willpower is Crucial and How to Get It

woman wanting to win willpower

There comes a time in our lives when we have to make serious decisions. When kids they were all pretty much made for us. Mom would give us a cupcake and tell us that is enough for the evening. But when we got older it was and is time to make our own decisions. And if we want more than one cupcake – we’ll take it. Now, should we? Probably not. And this is where willpower comes in.

It is not just in our eating habits either. We look around us and see so much, want what our neighbor has or more, but it is up to us to sit back and NOT fall into that trap. We can live happily with so much less. We just have to adjust and understand this concept.

When it comes to survival and prepping the same can also be true. While we would all love to have the new new-fangled gadgets we’ve seen we also know that recycling and multi-purposing are often the way to go. Have the willpower to say NO to items you do not need in your bug-out bag. Yet, always be prepared! And, on that same level, always have the will to say YES to survival training!

On the following page, we will discuss survival will-power and how to get it. The statistics you read may surprise you!

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