Why Preppers Should be Taking More Advantage of the Incredible Edible Dandelion


One of the most important things any prepper can learn is how to find plants that are edible but can also be useful in many other ways. You might not be close to your bug out bag or maybe you are short on supplies and need nutrients right away or someone in your group is sick and needs medicine. This is why knowing about and taking full advantage of the dandelion is really important.

Things A Dandelion Can Be Used For Include:

Natural Medicine

Dandelion tinctures and teas can be used to help the liver and gall bladder, and the root can be tinctured and used as a diuretic, especially good for women with excessive water weight caused during the normal course of menses.

Dandelion, 1 cup

Protein 1.5 g
Vitamin A 5588 IU
Vitamin C 19.3 mg
Vitamin E 1.9 mg
Vitamin K 428 mcg
Other ingredients include Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, and Zinc. All from the dandelion! W. Dandelion is an excellent diuretic and is good to take when sweating and flushing the system are needed, such as during the time of fever or cold.


The herb can also be dried and preserved, reconstituted in soups, stews, or salads with minimal losses of its vitamins and nutrients. Concentration and focus should be placed on gathering it, as it provides vitamin C and A in large quantities, and these vitamins will be scarce in times of collapse or shortage.

You can chop them up and eat them in your salads. Parboil them lightly, just to take out the crisp without making them go completely limp or wilted. Then drain them off in a colander. Next, throw them in a frying pan with about ¼ cup of olive oil, and sauté, adding fresh chopped cloves of garlic.

Honeybees are heavily dependent upon the pollen produced from countless fields of dandelion. If you plan on making any honey, it would be wise to preserve the fields full of them as a food source.

Now you know that the dandelion is not only edible but it can be used as medicine for a number of physical aliments. It contains vital nutrients that you won't be able to find at a store during a collapse and it can be used by bees to produce honey giving you and your family yet another great source of food in a pinch. Every prepper should take full advantage of the dandelion, it could just be what saves your life!

To find out more uses of the dandelion and how you can use it when SHTF, please visit Ready Nutrition.


  1. Josh Schrader said:

    My grandpa used to make dandelion wine. Made me think of him right away.


