Why it’s Vital to Secure the Garage Door


It's a lot easier than you think for burglars to steal from you. By securing your garage door, you can reduce those chances. Take a look for tips!

Securing your garage is easier than you might think. The fundamental step in any home protection plan is to start thinking like a burglar.  Here are some suggestions to improve your garage security.

Always Use a Physical Lock

Let’s start with the obvious. Lock your garage door and the inner door into your home every time you go to bed or leave the house.

Commercial garage doors have locking mechanisms that make doors much harder to open from the outside.

Secure Automatic Openers

Physical locks have a major downside. If you park your car in your garage, you’ll have to manually open the door from the inside to park. Automatic openers are risky because it is possible to spoof a garage door opener.

If you must use an automatic opener, use one that requires a code input rather than a single button.

Install Lights

No burglar wants to work in the light where anyone can see. A simple motion detection flood light that covers the front of the garage will make it much more likely that a burglar will get noticed.

Install Cameras

Even installing a fake camera that points to your garage door can serve as an excellent deterrent.

Avoid Garage Door Windows

Any window into a garage is an entry point, but windows in your garage door are a great target for thieves.

Use Steel Doors

In an extreme situation, a burglar could ram your garage door to break into it while you’re away. A frame deadbolt helps, but installing a steel garage door will make it much less likely that a robber like this will have a working vehicle afterward.

Just by securing your garage, you can help secure your home and keep your family safe. We may never know when a burglar might try and break in, but it's better to make an attempt at staying protected.

For more tips, be sure to check out American Preppers Network.

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