Why Earth Sheltered Living Is the Way to Go When the Collapse Takes Place

earth sheltered home

Is earth shelter living really so out of the normal for many of us? When kids we built forts out of sticks and other sometimes not so clean materials in the backyard, some of us had treehouses, and still, others used whatever was lying about to create a clubhouse of our very own.

Yes, we grew up and discovered you could not live that way as a family – but lately, many of us have been asking if those fantasies from our childhood were so far away from a survivalist, prepper or homesteader type of lifestyle!

Checking this not so new phenomena out we learned that while some earth-sheltered homes are built completely beneath ground level, many are constructed using a technique known as berming. This mean they are built largely above ground but the basic premise, using soil in its main construction is the mainstay. That might ease the spouse and kid's minds if this should ever become a reality.

As a matter of fact, here are three primary design styles for earth-sheltered homes: atrium, penetrational, and elevational.  

To learn more, to see if an earth sheltered home is for you, go on over to the next page!

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  1. Lin Xells said:

    you know the more cra-cra it gets “out there”, being hidden or tucked back on some property with cameras monitoring the place, might just be the way to go. you are the researcher in the family. Find out the negatives and come up with some plans. Would just need to keep in mind that it has to have an open feel on the front to pull this off…….sounds good actually. When SHTF you will not want to be sitting fat, large and unprotected waiting for bad guys to show you mercy……..


