Why Bugging Out on Foot is Risky and Should be Avoided…

person walking down the street

Contrary to popular belief, walking on foot when bugging out is not the best idea. Walking may seem like the natural thing to do in an emergency bug-out situation but if you live in a city or suburban area, you may find it harder to walk directly to a remote area for a bug-out situation.

Walking on foot for long distances can prove fatal, so you may really want to reconsider an emergency plan in case SHTF. It's always a good idea to have a backup plan or two in just in case.

If you're still not convinced you should avoid trekking by foot, please check out the next page to find out more about the serious dangers of bugging out by foot.

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  1. Howard Elder said:

    Bugging out is exponentially dangerous in comparison to being in a defensible well thought out position with resources

  2. William Wilhite said:

    If you have to bug out. On foot is the best way. If you don’t know your surrounding countryside stay home and hide. Creeks rivers lakes roads. Know where your going before you make that decision. If you’re prepared and know these things it’s a mini vacation.

  3. Martin Reed said:

    together as buffaloes together as max.sad crims fall didn’t prep bad dogs till cyber emp bad falls

  4. Lina Neighbors Landrum said:

    I am older would hate to think about walking the 70 miles to my bug out spot. So we have an old 70 chevy van, and a 4wheeler. but we have marked the walking path just in case.

  5. Abe Agota said:

    A lot of people have a false impression of what it’s like out in the wilderness. They think it’s the land of plenty. I’d suggest to them go try it for a weekend before you ink it in as your primary choice.

  6. Sean Mel said:

    In a SHTF event, most vehicles will be useless because the roads will be clogged.
    Having an ATV or dirt bike makes you a great target for being shot to steal it

  7. Jennifer Brewster said:

    Living with limited resources 45 minutes away by car from civilization cured me of any “Snow White Syndrome” (expectations of the bounty of the forest and cuteness of forest animals). Now, I’m only interested in bugging out if the SHTF scenario is short term.

  8. James Duerr said:

    Special forces teams insert pretty far away from the target area and move by foot in, why? Because vehicles are a large target that is limited to a certain route

  9. Danny Mutanda Andersen said:

    Vehicle routes clogged or covered easy, one has to move unpredictably. Those who are in control understand the topography and bottlenecks, in the event of SHTF.

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