When Survival Supplies Get too Pricey, Here Are Items for Under $5 a Piece

flashlight in stream

Everyone likes to find a bargain and shopping for survival materials, equipment and supplies give you plenty of opportunities!

Here are a few things you can buy for under $5 – not counting if you hit a sale or not!


Five packages of Idahoan instant potatoes (flavored)
A case of ramen noodles (20 pkgs)
five cans of sardines
five gallons of purified water
nearly two cases of bottled water
four cans of peaches, pears or fruit cockatail
2 jars of mandarin oranges
five pounds of rice
three to four pounds of spaghetti
Two cans of spaghetti sauce
three bags of egg noodles
eight packages of gravy mix
four cans of whole or sliced new potatoes
Two cans of Yams
six cans of pork and beans
one 40 ounce can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew
Two 12 ounce cans of chicken, tuna or roast beef
One 1lb canned ham
three cans of refried beans
three 12 oz cans of raviolis or spaghetti O’s.
Two 12.5 ounce cans of Salmon
Five pounds of Oatmeal
Four packages Dinty Moore heat and eat meals
five packages of corn bread mix
Four pounds of Sugar
Five pound of Flour
1.5 quarts of cooking oil
three one pound bags of dry beans
two cans of apple juice
a jar of peanut butter

Non-Food Items
one manual can opener
two bottles of camp stove fuel
three Bic Lighters or two big boxes of matches
A package of tea lights
50 ft of para cord
a roll of duct tape
a box of nails or other fasteners
a flashlight
two D-batteries, four AA or AAA batteries or two 9v batteries
a toothbrush and tooth paste
a bag of disposable razors
eight bars of ivory soap (it floats)
a box or tampons or bag of pads for the ladies
two gallons of bleach
needles and thread
a ball of yarn

Survival materials, supplies, and equipment can get really pricey, which means you need to find bargains and sales whenever possible unless you have gobs and gobs of money to burn!

This list is just a starting point.

For more survival items you can purchase for under $5, please visit Survival Life!


