When I Saw How Useful Selica Gel Packets Are to Survival, I Couldn’t Wait to Use Them!

Silica gel in a porous packet 2

Silica packs are everywhere, and mostly they get in the way, especially when you're trying to get those last little bits of jerky at the bottom of the bag. But what can you do to find new and incredibly useful homes for the silica pack? According to our list below, it shouldn't be a difficult task:

Put packs in your ammo cans and gun cases/safes to keep dry.
Protect personal papers and important documents
Keep with photos to spare them from humidity.
Store in camera bags and with film.
Leave a couple packs in your tool box to prevent rusting.
Place with seeds in storage to thwart molding.
Stash some in window sills to banish condensation.
Dry out electronic items such as cellphones and iPods.
Slow silver tarnishing by using the gel in jewelry boxes and with your silverware.
For items in storage, such as cars or anything prone to mildew.
Store your dog kibble in a bin and tape some silica packs to the bottom of the lid.
Cut open the packs and saturate the beads with essential oils to create potpourri.
Use in luggage while traveling.
Hide them in your closet in leather goods such as coats and shoes, and even handbags, to help them survive life in storage.
Gather your razor blades and keep in a container with several silica packs to stave off oxidation.
Video tape collections will last much longer with these to help keep them dry.
Cat litter is now made with silica. With its fantastic absorption qualities, this litter requires fewer changes and sends less mess to the landfill.
Squirrel some away in your car, especially on your dashboard. This will help maintain a clear windshield and leave it less foggy during times of high humidity.

Using these packs at the base of a windshield is an excellent idea because when it's raining out and your car hasn't warmed up yet, there's not much you can do to prevent the windshield from becoming about as transparent as a high- level politician.

Another great use for this is to remove the moisture from phones and other electronics that go for a dip. Sure, you can use rice, but will you really want to eat it afterward (especially if your phone fell in the toilet)? Save your rice and stock up on these packets instead.

This is a great little trick to make your life easier and further reduce your waste. Check out the full article at Mother Nature Network.


  1. Tim Earl said:

    !!! I’ve had questions about these things for years and I’m about to read some answers! TY!


