When He Poured Salt Onto a Pan I Had No Idea Why. Now That I Know the Answer, I Can’t Wait to Try it!

pouring salt on a pan

Salt Is Valuable And It's About To Become Even More Valuable To You Once You Discover What These Sensational Tricks Can Help You Do While You're Bugging Out:

Way back when salt was literally worth its weight in gold. Literally. That whole spilling salt bringing bad luck thing was essentially a scare tactic used to prevent the unnecessary waste of this precious commodity. But nowadays, we almost have more salt than we know what to do with.

Despite this, it's still a valuable spice that is essential in our body's process functioning, meaning we should be packing ample amounts of it away for storage in a SHTF situation.

But does salt serve other purposes besides nutrition? Sure, it can be used on roads and sidewalks to keep ice at bay and in water softeners, but what else can you do with it.

It turns out, someone else was wondering that, too, and put together a very informative video showing us just how awesome this essential spice can be at making our lives easier.

Watch the video on the next page to check out how you can use salt to improve your life in a variety of situations.

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  1. Kirk Marcello said:

    Study hard ! When hillary is finished with barry’s work you will need all the tricks .

  2. Steve Corn said:

    Uh… not prepper, Martha Stewart. And some of these are stupid.


