What’s Really Taking Place in LA – The Lethal Levels of Radioactive Materials That Are Affecting You

warning about radiation

Massive Natural Gas Leaks Are No Laughing Matter. The One That Is Taking Place In Los Angeles May Have More Ramifications Than You May Think. It's Time to Learn The Truth Before It's Too Late…

Think you know everything that's going on in your area because you watch the news? Think again.

Some stories take precedence, like celebrity gossip or sports scores, because they lead to higher ratings. Often, the stories that actually matter are the ones that never make it onto the screen.

For instance, did you know that there is a massive natural gas leak just outside Los Angele? Like really huge. Don't light a cigarette in Nevada massive. As if this wasn't enough, it turns out that not only is it spewing 100,000 pounds of natural gas into the atmosphere every hour, but it is also releasing huge levels of radiation.

Just how dangerous is this leak? Keep reading and start wondering why this isn't making the news.

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