This is What You Should NEVER Wear Post-Collapse. If You Do, You’ll Never Stand a Chance

what to wear during a collapse

On today's episode of What Not to Wear, you'll learn all about the worst wardrobe mistakes you make while surviving during a post-collapse.

When things are not as how we're used to them being and we find ourselves back in the Stone Age again, some people may feel the need to retreat to the woods and live out the rest of their lives from the rest of decaying society. If you already have your bug out cabin and can survive for years to come, you're should be all set.

However, it's important that you have good camo at your bug out location so that you can watch over your property and hunt without being seen by people who are passing by. When you do run out of supplies, and you are forced to leave your bug out location, what will you wear?

If you're tempted to leave your cabin wearing full tactical gear, camo pants and a shirt and a military grade face mask and a ton of weapons, I wonder who is going to get shot?

Oh oops, that'd be you. 

To learn why donning full tactical gear when all hell breaks loose is a super bad idea, and what you should be wearing instead, watch the video on the next page. 

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  1. Robert Davis said:

    This guy is a moron. “Black doesn’t stick out in the woods”.

  2. Brad McKenzie said:

    Overwhelming firepower says I can wear whatever I want.

    Anything short of artillery, armor, or air support and we are good to go. If SHTF, I’m sure in my area the air support will be used up and the armor will be sitting out of fuel before we need to start causing trouble.

  3. Shawn Dale said:

    I will wear my filthy closes over my vest and gun..I am of Elohim.I’am of the one.

  4. Randel Pruett said:

    Kind of like putting all of those bumper stickers on your vehicle too…… It pays not to advertise.

  5. Jeff Stoops said:

    CLICK BAIT he rants on about something that states like FL passed giving all citizens basically a CCW in times of emergency.

  6. Evan Marchese said:

    He ignores the fact that people will be stepping out the door kitted up to fight, not to survive.

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