What Will Happen When the Lights Go Out for Good… And How to Handle It

kerosene lantern lamp

In today's society, it's safe to say that easily 90% of the population cannot imagine life without the modern conveniences of electricity. It's probably more like 95%, but we like to hold out hope that our people are stronger than that.

It's important to make this distinction, though: it's one thing to imagine life without electricity and another actually to experience it.

The first thought for many people will be that this will simply mean their home lights won't work, they'll have to sit by candle light and *gasp* READ. Or any other activity that doesn't inherently require electricity.

The whole scenario is much more complicated than that. No flushing the toilet, no opening the refrigerator, and no watching movies. That's just day one.

For a reality check of life when the grid goes down, go to the next page.

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  1. Turner Wright said:

    Lights go out during a storm and people everywhere panic. If lights go out for good, you better be armed with a flashlight on your barrel. It’ll be pure chaos.


