What to Do if There’s No Meat – 3 Non-Meat Protein Sources for Survival


Meat protein will likely be very hard to come by, excepting in the shortest of survival situations.

Non-meat protein sources are available, however, you just have to know where to look!


Beechnuts or nuts from the beech tree, mature in the fall and the bur shells break open, usually after the first frost on their own, exposing two small, triangular nuts that will drop to the ground. The kernels are hard to find once they’ve fallen among leaves, so gathering them from lower branches just before they fall off is the most assured way of obtaining them.

Beechnuts have a thin shell that is easily peeled or scraped off with your fingers. Containing about 20% protein, it doesn’t take much to meet your daily requirements. They can be eaten raw right away, but if you want to keep them for more than a few days, they will need to be dried.


Black walnuts, to be exact also are available in the fall, mostly in the eastern part of North America, although there are a few western species. They are a real pain to crack open (a hammer and cutting pliers will be useful here), and they can and will stain pretty much anything they touch. The nutmeat is pretty much destroyed into pieces in the process). But once you deal with the shell, the nutmeat is composed of about 24% protein.

Pinon Pine Nut

Although technically any pine tree will produce a nut, or seed, there are only a few varieties of pine trees that produce edible nuts, most of them found in the western part of North America. Ponderosa Pine, Stone Pine, Sugar Pine, Digger Pine, and Pinon Pine are the species that you will need to look for.

In the fall, the cones will open and expose the large seeds or nuts that lie within the pine cone. They will need to be shelled, but that can be done by hand if your fingers are strong enough. Pine nuts are composed of about 2/3rds fat, with 14% protein, and 13% carbohydrates.

Protein is a building block for the human body; most people get their protein from meat sources.

In a survival situation, however, particularly if it is a drastic situation, meat protein will probably be hard to come by.

That is why you must learn to recognize none-meat protein sources and where to find them; for more information on non-meat protein sources, check out The Good Survivalist.


