What Could Happen When the Grid Goes Down and More Specifically the Internet is Something to Seriously Consider

internet security

There's no easy answer to exactly what would take place if the world suddenly lost connection. Whether an EMT or a natural disaster, it is a reality we need to be able to think about, and prepare for accordingly!

During day to day ordinary life, you probably see others continuously checking their ‘smart device’. Without internet connectivity, they will actually have to look up from their devices and see and deal with the real world around them. They might even have to ‘talk’ with someone. The horror!

But more importantly, what about our infrastructure of commerce? Without the internet, most all commerce would cease. Store transactions would probably come to a screeching halt since many require networking with the corporate ‘mother ship’.

So much of our infrastructure is connected with the internet that the world as we know it would be terribly affected without it and all of the automated systems that work behind the scenes to keep the gears turning. And to think that we survived without the internet up until just a few decades ago! It’s amazing when you really think about it.

Seriously, it would be disastrous (nearly close to a power-grid down) if the internet went down.

The design of the internet itself though is generally set up for redundancy, however there are choke points of traffic (.gov NSA interceptions, etc…) along with the service providers themselves that could be potential critical junctions of cutoff or failure.

Scary to think about, but essential to consider. What are your thoughts of what would transpire without constant connectivity? Share with us in the comments! For more information about what could potentially take place if the internet is out, visit The Modern Survival Blog.


