Wet Weather Fire Techniques you Must Learn

One of the toughest survival skills is learning how to make a roaring fire every time you need to do so.

When you are facing wet or damp weather, that task becomes all the more difficult.

As many people know, there is nothing worse than spending a cold night with no fire and that reality is made much worse and even potentially dangerous if the environment you are in is wet.

Being wet with no fire can pose a danger even in warmer environments as hypothermia is caused by the lowering of your body temperature to dangerous levels.

Under the stress of a survival situation, that threat can become deadly.

Luckily, there are techniques you can use to mitigate damp ground or wet surroundings and with practice, you can learn how to make that roaring fire just about every time.

To learn these techniques, check out the video on the next page.


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