[VIDEO] You’ll Want This Amazing Knife After Watching This Video…. We Do!

Every once in a while, you come across a craftsman that not only awes you with their skill, but reminds you of how much you lack in their skill set.

It is not a competitive thing, it is more an appreciation for a master craftsman and their ability to ply their trade with the ease it takes from incredible skill melded with vast experience.

This is one of those moments and we wanted to share it with you.

What this guy can do with a hunk of metal and wood to make a knife in his workshop will awe you.

If he had made it for me, I would feel bad using it, it is such a thing of beauty; the craftsman is truly and massively talented.

To see this truly impressive creation, watch the video on the next page.


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  1. Clint Wilmoth said:

    one very skilled individual,also thats a very nice blade, i personally would have a couple slight design changes but that is a pretty sweet blade,


