(VIDEO) You’ll Never Guess What the Secret Ingredient is to Preserving Strawberries From This 18th Century Recipe

preserving strawberries

If you're always on the hunt for new ways to preserve foods and stockpile them for when SHTF, then you'll enjoy learning about this lost method of preserving strawberries. Why is it lost? Well, keep reading to find out.

There's no doubt about it, strawberries are delicious and may be hard to come by when a significant collapse takes place. If farms get destroyed, strawberries will be in high demand, which means they may make excellent fruit to barter at some point.

Not only that but strawberries are delicious to have as a side dish with the main meal and also to make desserts, such as pie if you have enough food stockpiled when SHTF.

This no-cook method of preserving your strawberries is from the 18th Century, and there is one secret ingredient in particular that helps protect this tasty fruit.

Discover what this secret ingredient is as well as learn what you need to preserve strawberries and make them last for when SHTF. If you love strawberries as much as most preppers do then, you'll want to learn how to maintain this tasty fruit! Find out how on the next page. 

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