(VIDEO) You’ll Never Guess What Common Item You Can Use to Make a Torch. This is Insane!

torch from a Red Bull can

If you are lacking in a flashlight or would like to save batteries, or simply want to give your campsite that more traditional feel, you can fashion yourself a sweet soda can torch that is every bit as effective as it's traditional counterpart. Watch the video below to learn how.

While this hack does require you to carry a bottle of torch fuel around with you, it's still a really cool concept on how to make something useful out of something you no longer have any use for, such as an aluminum can.

A small bottle of lantern fuel might not be such a bad thing to carry, anyway. Fire starting would be a lot easier, and it's always good to have multiple ways to do everything you need, whether it's fire, light, or purifying water.

One Comment;

  1. Macom Cline said:

    Uh….um…..I’m guessing a red Bull can filled with some sort of fuel…like camp fuel or that$#%&!@*you put in those tiki torches.


