(VIDEO) You Can Make a $10 PVC Bow. When You See How? This is Insane!

survival bow

One aspect of survival that many people tend to gravitate towards is the area of weapons. It's a great area rich in entertainment thanks to decades of action movies about the apocalypse that have long a long way towards fueling new generations of preppers.

Entertainment value aside, there is a lot of value in weapons of all kinds for survival situations. Being able to take down game is going to put food on the table, or over the fire, and having a weapon is going to be a huge benefit if bad people come to do you harm or to take the things you've worked so hard to attain.

One excellent weapon for survival purposes is the bow. Reliable and depended on for millennia, the bow is hard to beat regarding killing power and ease of use. Arrows can be easily manufactured, and repairs are far easier than with a gun.

For a powerful survival bow, look no further than the overwhelming usefulness of PVC. Check out how to manufacture this great bow on the next page.

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One Comment;

  1. Erick Kinder said:

    Works even better with the fiberglass rod in the pipe to make it more stable and increase the LBS of the shot


