(Video) With Some Spruce Pitch This Survivalist Shows Us How to Make THIS Special Snack…


Is there anything in nature that cannot be made into something useful?

We know there are many things we can find to eat, from various grasses to certain types of tree barks, but who knew you could bake up a decent snack simply by finding a spruce tree and scraping off some pitch!?

After the break, please go on over to the next page and check out Lonnie on the video as he shows us a very easy way to make a chewable snack – and a lot of it!

This project, while taking patience, is not that difficult and as long as you have a small tin can, a strainer and an oven – you are in for some fine snacking!

It may not seem very tempting at first but watch as he separates and cooks his treat and you just may be a convert!

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