(Video) Why the Super Shelter is the Best Survival Shelter Out There…

super shelter

Building a decent shelter can be challenging enough, let alone making sure that the shelter can withstand the cold over the course of the night. You need to ensure that you’re warm and well rested before the long day ahead of you!

This shelter can be adapted in any season, but it works best in cold temperatures. You won’t even need a sleeping bag to stay warm! It is a little different than most conventional shelters we discuss.

The materials are not the standard materials that you would expect: logs and twine for the frame and the bed, cattails for the mattress, and an extremely lightweight cover composed of plastic, nylon, and survival blankets, to secure everything that you need.

Take a look on the next page and watch a helpful video to see how you can build your own!

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  1. Thomas Whitten said:

    Actually, this shelter will save your butt. I’ve seen mostly clear plastic used but I have used blue tarp material and even camo tarps and it still works fine. Perhaps not as good as clear but use what you have when you need it.

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