(VIDEO) When SHTF, Learn How You Can Go About Living off Wild Food in the Jungle

finding breadfruit in the jungle

The jungle is known as nature's medicine cabinet. It's also known to be a banquet of foods all ripe for the taking. Unfortunately, if you aren't aware of what you can and can't eat, the sheer quantity of edible plants and animals will mean nothing to you. Take a look at the video below to fix that.

With a variety of edible plants ripe for the taking and a huge number of tasty animals for those skilled enough to capture them, the only reason anyone would starve to death in the jungle would be due to ignorance.

Of course, to minimize your risk of injury, you should focus on plant sources of calories (with the exception of climbing tall trees for fruits), but if you want to add some meat to your diet, the rivers are flush with delicious fish.

As always, have a knife, fire starter, and fishing kit in your survival gear.


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    lZAED3V 😀 Play here. ==> http://goo.gl/3rrXqM

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