(Video) When Putting Together a Survival Kit Don’t Overlook These Common Items

survival kit supplies

In a perfect world, there would be a master list of survival items you will need in a survival setting and as long as you adhere to that list, you will never want.

That list does not exist, which means you have to strive to be prepared as much as possible.

The best you can do in preparing for a survival situation to make sure you do not overlook something is to read and watch as much as you can and make note of what you might have missed.

What items have you overlooked in the past or what ideas do you have to ensure what you overlook is as limited as possible?

Tell us below.

One Comment;

  1. Jonathon Carlson said:

    It would be nice if they were listed in the article. Poor coverage and data costs of videos make it difficult to delve into your content.


