(VIDEO) When I Saw These Cool Fire Starting Tricks, I Couldn’t Believe My Eyes!

fire starting tricks

Without fire, we wouldn't really be human. Fire enables us to cook our food, heat our homes, and has directly or indirectly led to almost every single advancement in human history.

In the absence of fire, surviving in the wilderness becomes a game of poker in which all you have is a pair of twos; coming out on top is going to require lots and lots of luck.

Check out some tricks in the video below to ensure that never happens.

These are excellent tricks to keep in mind the next time you're packing your camping or bug out supplies.

With longer-lasting matches, you will have more time to get the flame spread throughout your tinder and kindling you've made with the pencil sharpener, which is really a good idea to add to the list of essentials.

In damp conditions, the combination of hand sanitizer and storm matches will ensure that you get a fire going even in a downpour. Make sure to add these items to your next shopping trip.



