(Video) When Doomsday Arrives Preppers Will Need to Make Primitive Tools From Scratch, Like a Stone Hatchet…

stone hatchett

When Doomsday arrives guns and tools will only last so long. Eventually, post-collapse you'll run out of ammo, your tools will become dull, and your knives will not last forever. Even if you have a few reliable tools, you'll need the skills to make new ones.

Primitive tools are reliable and can be used for various tasks post-collapse. When other tools wear down a primitive tool such as a stone hatchet can help you make a bug out shelter and perform other various tasks.

These are tasks that you'll need to learn how to do in order to stay alive and the more you learn now prior to a collapse, the better. You won't have time to panic or for SHTF situations to take you by surprise. It's up to you to survive and forge your own path in the midst of chaos.

After the break, watch how one prepper makes a stone hatchet and baked dirt oven on the video. This is one man who is ready to face Doomsday!

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  1. Marcianna Elliott said:

    Not if we buy these tools, replacement part, ..I have a hand drill with bits that’s 50 years old…have another for parts.
    I have a ton of non powered tools…plus nails, screws, nuts & bolts…
    Have picked up most at estate sales.

  2. Larry Wilson said:

    I believe some of these posts are getting ridiculous…. I have tools in my shop that are pretty old and still working fine. I’m working on…. lets take their worse case scenario with an EMP, they say that within two years, 90% of the population will have died or killed themselves off. The way I see it…. I’m in that 10% that survive, there’s gonna be a whole lot of$#%&!@*just lying around that no one is using.

  3. Ernest Levesque said:

    If you do what the mountain men did you can have steel tools. They would take only the steel heads or parts and then make the wood handles when they got there. Time to move on they left the handles behind. saves lots of pack space. But learning to make stone tools is a good fall back skill.

  4. Aron Fleetwood said:

    I have an indestructible baseball bat, tactical war hammer, and a very trusty navy diver knife.. Find a group to join with guns.. Game on

  5. Dave Moore said:

    “Get yer Swatters here! Everyone needs a Swatter!”……

  6. Ray Fay said:

    What are you preppers going to use this hatchet againest?/

  7. Mary Claybern said:

    flint lock rifles and Pistol will be around for ever and all you need know is how to make black powder


