(VIDEO) When Creek Stewart From ‘Fat Guys’ Revealed His Secret Fire Starting Weapon, I Couldn’t Believe It!


While you may pack condoms camping if you want to “start some fires,” you probably didn't have literal fires in mind. While most people don't see past the intended use for condoms, they are actually a great survival tool if you find yourself lacking in supplies. To learn just how you can use this innocent roll of latex to your advantage in fire starting, take a look at the video below.

Condoms can be used to transport water, as a string for fire drills and as elastic for slingshots. Turns out, if you have bright sunlight and some good tinder, you can also use them to start a fire with the direct aid of the sun.

While the video doesn't show the finished results of this method, it is really done in the past by those who were able to see the usefulness of the transparent latex. In survival kits, we like each tool to have an array of uses to cut down on weight.

Consider adding the humble condom to your future kits and you may just surprise yourself with how much you can use them for.


  1. Darik Patin said:

    Little disappointed in that article. I bet there are some that don’t know the particulars of that resource but still disappointed. Was hoping for some amazing revelation, this isn’t much of a “secret weapon”.


