(VIDEO) What Three Survival Items Can You NOT Live Without?

3 survival items

If you were facing a hypothetical survival situation and could only have three items, what would your choices be? What could you not live without? And, you also need to think about how would you prioritize.

Those are questions every person preparing for a survival situation must consider.

You have to consider the Principles of Threes and the 72 window for optimum survival.

The former is that you can survive three minutes without air, three hours in extreme elements, three days without water and three weeks without food.

The second, taught in survival schools, is that you have a 72 window for survival that if you exceed it, your chances increase exponentially, provided your situation is not dire.

That should set the framework for your prioritization.

On the next page, we consider three items you should consider having to ensure you can get through those first 72 hours and beyond. Check it out on this important survival video! 

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