(Video) What a Person NEVER be Caught Wearing Post-Collapse.

what to wear during a collapse

Imagine you're sitting down while watching an eppy of What Not to Wear that's focused on survival. The person being judged is not passing the test because he made one of the worst wardrobe blunders ever and you'll never believe what he's wearing.

If you were a survivalist on the show would you pass?

When an EMP strikes or all hell breaks loose (or both), you will suddenly find yourself back in the Stone Age. Even though most people will disappear in the woods for good, there will come a day when people who can no longer to stay hidden in the woods will run out of supplies. When that happens they will need to leave their bug out home to get food and trade to made do.

At that time they may run into the wrong people and the last thing they should be wearing is something that stands out. It's vital that a person wears camouflaged clothing so they can remain stealth.

That means the last thing you should be wearing is full tactical gear. You know, the camo shirt and pants with a military grade face mask and tons of weapons.

If you find yourself being like this you're pretty much SOL. Sorry, but it's true. 

To discover what a person should be wear as opposed to standing out like a sore thumb when SHTF, check out the video after the break. 

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  1. Seth Howell said:

    Not a bad strategy. I know who id target if i needed supplies n its the guy showing he had them. Personally i don’t need extra but if it came to it i wouldn’t target skinny jeans for supplies( but definitely for the fact they wear skinny jeans :))

  2. Matt DiStefano said:

    So psychologically the guy whose camoed out is safe because if he knew what he was doing he wouldn’t be wearing it but the guy in a sweater vest and loafers is a target because he’s a super secret prepper, uhhhhhmm sure

  3. Corey Kolvenbach said:

    I treat most theorhetical apocolyptic scenarios like Dawn of the Dead- hold up in a mall and dress silly till im out of coffee and die of withdrawls

  4. Steven F. Scharff said:

    If keeping a low profile, never wear anything that could say the following:
    – I’m armed.
    – I’m Military.
    – I have money.

  5. Anonymous said:

    With respect – quoting the Bill of Rights to a soldier or police officer who may have a loaded weapon pointed at you, or is at least primed and ready to react at the slightest provocation, is perhaps not the smartest course of action – regardless of how incensed or indignant you may be feeling. Whatever the circumstances, always, always obey instructions from military or police, provided said instructions do not place you or your family in danger. Argue about your ‘rights’ to a higher authority, through appropriate legal channels, after the event has defused. Above all, do not get ‘cocky’ or disrespectful. Audio/Visual evidence or/and eyewitness testimonies are far more affective. Ok, it might not get you the results you want, but it might just keep you and your loved ones alive – and ultimately, that’s all that really matters. I don’t mean to preach – I know that most people in this group are mature and sensible enough to know better, but sometimes our emotions run away with us, which is not a good thing when faced with ‘jumped up authority’.

  6. Ken Erichsen said:

    Camouflage or cotton. Cotton is worthless in the field. It doesn’t repel water and allows the cold to attack the body. Camouflage of any kind, draws attention to oneself thereby granting the wearer with the impression of being very comfortable in the “wild”. What kind of high-speed gear might that person have?

  7. Brent Morgan said:

    I figured, and feel free to correct me, you wear plain clothes and pack camo, till you get to the feild, then change to blend in.

  8. Austin Eriksson Sr. said:

    Honestly I don’t care who it is I am in the military and if soldiers came up to my house I could assess the danger based on the individual. Make no mistake not all soldiers are these super fit cold blooded killers a lot are just dumb young kids the new ones weak as hell. If you got together as a community and told them NO. They would have to bring a whole battalion to remove you guys and I don’t think the military will risk that type of PR.

  9. Jesse Perez said:

    My policy for post collapse is anyone I dont know, or who isnt part of my M.A.G, in a uniform is not to be trusted, and is likely a target.

  10. David Anker said:

    Good lord Daniel, Nigerian credit card scams use better grammar than this yahoo.

  11. Scott Stouts said:

    Only torn, ragged clothing will suffice. Gotta look like a former homeless person

  12. Raleigh Kale Gosdin said:

    While im not trying to start a full on argument, i dont know if there has ever been a real SHTF scenario. So if we as “preppers” have never utilized the skillsets we practice, what evidence is there to support claims that we shouldn’t wear “said” clothing.

  13. Raleigh Kale Gosdin said:

    Personally, i would choose my camys because of how much i blend in. Of course this is all my personal preference.

  14. James Matthew Waltman said:

    Personally ill choose wtf im wearing right then and focus less on that bullshit and more on provisions and security

  15. Vincent Grippi III said:

    The only way you can blend in this liberal snowflake society is to dress up like Katelyn Jenner or a muslim, but I see your point, well taken

  16. Rob Anderson said:

    This is about the 5th time this post has gone around. Get some new stuff

  17. William Yzerman said:

    Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. If you dress like that you re advertising that you have stuff worth taking. Besides, in this culture it has started to become a `fashion`for city folks who have never been in the military nor hunted and wear camo everywhere. Perhaps I am just being an$#%&!@* but I love to slam into these guys when i pass them on the sidewalks. Òops! Sorry about that, your camouflage was SOOOO good that I didn`t see you walking there!

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