(VIDEO) Water is the Most Crucial Item to Store. Watch How a Prepper Demonstrates an Effective Way to Store it for SHTF.

water storage

Water is one of the most important supplies you'll need to have when planning for long-term survival. Without preparing and having enough water, most of your food will go bad, and this will especially be the case if you're relying on MREs or additional freeze-dried foods.

If you also have a lot of flour or grain stockpiled, without water, you'll have a hard time making anything from these materials. In fact, you might as well not even store food. Plus, to digest the meals you prepare, you'll also need drinking water that'll help flush it through your system.

For these vital reasons and more, it's essential to store or at least be able to obtain as much water as possible for an extended period.

Even more importantly, is that you MUST always have a backup plan and a backup plan for your other backup plan. You know how it goes.

To properly store water for long-term survival, after the break, you'll be impressed as you watch a prepper shows you how on a must-watch video. 

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One Comment;

  1. Gayla Nichols said:

    I just filled two 30 gal containers yesterday and covered and stored in garage. Time to order more containers just in case needed.


