(VIDEO) Watching the Process on How to Build a Thatched Bushcraft Shelter Can Help you Make Your Own…

thatched bushcraft shelter

The survival Principle of Three states that you have three hours in a survival situation or SHTF moment to find or build a shelter.

This is a bit over-stated, it really depends on your situation and the environment you are in, but creating a shelter is at the top of the priority list.

You do not want to find yourself heading into the night without some place to give you security and protect you from the elements.

If no natural shelter is available, one thing you can do is to build your own Thatched Bushcraft Shelter.

Using your natural surroundings, you can collect enough raw materials to build a sturdy, secure shelter that will help protect you from the elements, temperature extremes, and most critters.

On the next page, learn how to build a Thatched Bushcraft Shelter as long as time doesn't run out and you give yourself enough time to make it.

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