(Video) Vital Winter Vehicle Emergency Items Everyone Should Have in Their Car

vehicle emergency kit

Having a vehicle emergency kit is vital to ensuring you can handle whatever the road or your vehicle throws at you.

Here are some basics that you must include in any kit and you need to have them in every vehicle you own!

Vehicle emergencies can arise anywhere, anytime.

As a teen, I once hit a deer in the middle of nowhere in NH coming home late at night from the resort I worked at. Cell phones were a pipe dream back then, it was sleeting and the closest town was over 7 miles away.

The vehicle was disabled from the impact and I ended up waiting almost three hours before someone else came along and helped me out – but I had the vehicle emergency kit my mother insisted all of us (four kids) have in our vehicles at all times and it made the wait much easier!

What do you have now and after watching this video, what will you add to your vehicle emergency kit? What additional stuff do you have in yours? Tell us below.


