(Video) Utilizing a Naturally Cool Tarp Shelter

tarp shelter cool down

Seems like whenever we see a camp-out video the outdoorsman, as well as showing how to hunt, find water, and organize his backpack items, also shows us how to keep warm at night. He or she will start a campfire, show us their snug sleeping back or hammock and also either shows us their tent or the shelter they’ve built.

They make for great videos and we learn a lot! Yet, there is a category these videos tend to miss. What if you are camping in the hottest month of Summer and actually want to stay cool at night, not warm?

Some will advise doing the “simple thing” and lay on top of your bag. They say you can also camp near a cooling creek. Good advice, again, but there is a better way to keep comfortable during the hottest nights of July and August.

Go over to the next page and learn how to naturally cool a tarp shelter to one’s benefit!

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