(Video) Truck Stuck? Use a Rope and Two Polls to Winch it Out!

truck winch

I do not know about you, but a winch is one of those pieces of equipment I only really think about how much I need it, when I need it; after that, it is out of sight and out of mind.

Now, thanks to this amazing DIY winch, at least I have some options!

In a survival situation or even in a situation where you got your vehicle stuck, not having a winch likely means waiting to get pulled out or in the worst case scenario, digging your way to freedom.

With this DIY winch, however, you give yourself a chance to get out by using the principle of a lever and barrel pole to draw a rope (or chain or strap) tighter until you can move your vehicle.

Have you tried this type of winch? If so, let us know about it below.


  1. Scott Rickard said:

    I know you could have a fishing poll but what about poll vaulting or climbing one? hmmmm

  2. Brent Morgan said:

    I saw an easier way on an Alaska show. Loop a strap or rope. Put a pole in between the 2 ropes or straps, then twist till your vehicle is out. It’s a bit more dangerous but it’s a lot simpler.


