(Video) This Survivalist Shows Us His Impressive Survival Kit. I’m Blown Away With Everything it Includes!


We have to be prepared for any situation when SHTF. This is why having a survival kit that you can just grab and go is very important. However, you need to make sure it includes everything you may need.

This video from Alfie Aesthetics shows us his amazing survival kit. You may be stunned by everything he includes and likely will want to add these items to your kit too!

This guy's survival kit has a bit of everything. He even breaks his supplies down into the categories of water, fire, and first aid. In his bag, he includes critical supplies such as a stainless steel water bottle, chlorine dioxide water purification tablets, cookware cups, char cloths, a pencil sharper for making shavings for tinder, a fire piston, and fire steel.

For the first aid portion of his kit, he includes band aids, bandages, skin closure sterile strips, antiseptic wipes and much more.

If you have a survival kit like this when SHTF, you'll be ready for anything!


