(Video) This Survivalist is Locked Inside a Cage to Face Off a Brown Bear on the Outside. How it All Goes Down? This is Insane!

bear and cage

Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? I see a human holding out fried chicken for me. Don't try this at home.

I mean, we know brown bears are strong. It's another thing entirely to see it toss around a steel cage with a grown man inside like it's made of plastic! I sure hope they gave him that piece of chicken! He earned it.


  1. Tim Hagen said:

    Anyone else kinda hope the bear gets to the chewy Nugett center

  2. Alan Beghtel said:

    Ok let me just clarify this. That is not a “brown bear,” that is a grizzly. They are two different species. Just sayin…

  3. Kevin Chambers said:

    The Internet video is not available in Canada? It’s the frigging Internet not cable!

  4. David Zimmerman said:

    click on the video and sends you one of those fake virus pages…so here is a better video

  5. Stevie Ray said:

    I’ve seen a “bear box” that was at a camp ground. The dents in it looked like a sledgehammer hit it multiple times and there were deep scratches in it. That was from one bear and it wasn’t even a Grizzly. Never underestimate the strength of a bear.

  6. Mike Blevins said:

    But you’re in canada, eh! You’ve probably had a bear somewhere take over a signal station to prevent people from finding out about bear cages.

  7. Kevin Chambers said:

    It was probably an American bear crossing the border illegally and messing with our comm tower, Canadian bears wouldn’t do such a thing…lol.


