(Video) This Strange Looking Stove Uses 80 Percent Less Wood Than a Traditional Stove. Here’s How:


Easy is always a good thing when it comes to surviving. The simpler and less work it is the better! Take a look at this impressive smokeless stove/heater!

The very idea that something is so environmentally safe that uses less wood is really an attraction to this stove! While we can argue that there is nothing like smelling the smoke from a wood-burning fire, we can also agree that smoke in the fresh air about us is not such a good thing!

We can only imagine what such a heater could mean to men and women living in the wilderness with their families. Less wood-chopping means less stress and more time together!


  1. Peter Wesley said:

    It would be great to see an article or video on how to actually construct on of these systems.

  2. Peter Gawleta said:

    Peter the guy talking gave you two web sites to visit which are in detail I think

  3. John Tinker said:

    I have a very real concern with creosote build up in multiple bends and flat pipe in the cob bench.Creosote fires are no joke people.


