(Video) This Semi-Permanent Bug Out Shelter is Awe-Inspiring. Now be Amazed When This Survivalist Gives Us a Tour…

semi-permanent shelter

The first thing every prepper should consider when having to bug out when SHTF is where they are going to seek shelter. If an already constructed building is not an option, you will have to make a shelter yourself using materials you find in nature.

Bushcraft Bartons shows us how it can be done in this inspiring video. He knows exactly what kind of work, effort, and supplies you need to build a shelter that will stay standing for a long time!

This semi-Permanent bug out shelter is simply awesome! They built it by tying many strong branches together for one wall. Then they put together some sturdy logs that can either be used for a nice bench to sit on or a bed that will keep you nice and dry.

This shelter also contains a fire that is protected from the elements so that it can burn for as long as possible. They even show us how they cooked some bacon in the shelter.

In addition, it also has everything you need in a semi-permanent bug out shelter. It will keep you safe and dry even in harsh weather, and you don't have to worry about the fire getting washed out by rain.

This type of protection during a SHTF situation is what preppers should strive for when bugging out long term!


  1. Ron Burger said:

    Three guys and all they could come up with is a bench with a fire infront

  2. Rob Vega said:

    I think this guy needs to take a few geometry classes. The back wall of that lean-to is nowhere near 45 degrees. Absolutely useless in the elements.


