(Video) This Self Feeding Fire is Something Else. It’ll Easily Burn for 14+ Hours!

self feeding fire

If you are going to be outside for a while during a collapse, making this self-feeding fire that can burn for hours is perfect for SHTF situations!

One of the most important skills any good prepper should know for a disruptive event is how to build a good fire. A strong fire can not only keep you warm, it can help you to cook your food and can even help you signal for help if needed.

During an emergency situation when SHTF you never know what will happen and you make find yourself spending many days and nights outdoors. This is when building a self-feeding fire that can last for fourteen hours or more like in the incredible video on the next page, can come in handy. It just might save your life even when you are asleep!

To learn exactly how to build an amazing self-feeding fire that can last for hours and hours, head over to the next page and check out this video. 

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  1. Tony Gearlds said:

    Really?! Are we too lazy to get up and put another log on the fire?

  2. Bruce A. Beatty said:

    Obviously you’ve never spent a night in the north woods. I spent several years in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, a couple of which were on the Marquette County Sheriff’s Department Search and Rescue Team. Have you ever camped out at -25 degrees below zero? Try it sometime.

  3. Tony Gearlds said:

    I have camped out hundreds of times in every kind of weather. Started when I was in Boy Scouts and kept it up through most of my life. Never had a time when I couldn’t get up and put wood on a fire.

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