(VIDEO) This Prepper Opened Oats That He Stored for 15 Years. When You See How it Did? You’ll be Impressed!

15 year old oats

Keeping ample food stored for SHTF situations is extremely high on the priority list for nearly every prepper.

What should be even higher, though, is making sure that whatever food you do store can last as long as you need it to. This means storing it in a way that allows it to stay cool, dry, and away from any critters that may want to break in and spoil your stores.

One prepper does everything he can to keep his food lasting a long time, knowing full well that if he fails, when SHTF he will have hundreds of pounds of garbage and his family will go hungry or worse.

To test whether his stores were withstanding the tests of time, he cracked open a bucket of oats that had not seen the light of day for 15 years. Find out how they did by watching the video on the next page.

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  1. Jason Lewis said:

    Well, I have had all of the clickbait headlines I can stand, later.


