(Video) This Post-Apocalyptic Steampunk Mask is Cool Not Only for SHTF, But for Halloween Too!

steampunk mask

What do you get when you combine the technologies of today with the craftsmanship of Victorian England? Steampunk. For an awesome tutorial on how to make your own steampunk gas mask, take a look at the video below.

Unfortunately, following the instructions as is will lead to a gas mask that is at best dangerous to use and at worst useless. However, if you wanted to carry a steampunk vibe when SHTF (and who's going to say you can't?) then simply refrain from painting the filter and the areas which you will be breathing through.

Personally, I hope the entire world turns steampunk when the bubble bursts. It's bound to happen: people will still love advanced technologies and will turn their attention to durable materials.

Look forward to tomorrow and start building your wardrobe today.

One Comment;

  1. Kief Kelsey said:

    you know what i like doing come Halloween is act normal…………. ya know step outta the basement and take off the tinfoil hats but thats just me


