Although weapons and defense need to be taken seriously and with extreme safety in mind, part of the fun of survival prepping is checking out some powerful guns.
Take the survival rifle for example. In this video, one prepper shows you his rad survival weapon. After seeing what this rifle can do, you'll want to immediately add this to your prepper collection.
What an incredible machine. You'll definitely keep your shelter safe from predators and other threats with this rifle. You'll be amazed by what it can do and how it operates!
Check out this die hard survival rifle made for preppers on the next page! This is one weapon I think we all should have at our side when SHTF!
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I like when the article talks about no kick back, it’s a .22lr, for reals who writes this crap lol. Get a cricket for the kid, this is good rifle for an adult pack. Not a kids rifle, the butt wouldn’t get small enough for a child.
I have one. It is the perfect length for a kid. With subSonics and a suppressor it is a real hoot to shoot. It does rust really quick.
Stephen Laub
Trent Presley
Any rifle that uses inserts to change caliber is a joke. It’s NOT a rifle without Rifling.
Click bait
what a peice of$#%&!@*
I truly think the AR-7 is the way to go. I wish Henry would redesign it in a bigger caliber.
To much money for something that simple I can buy a 12 gauge Remington at Walmart five shot pump for 186.00 dollars
Little badger is a .22 rifle with rifling. It only shoots .22 and they make a .22 magnum.
My coyote gun. I carry it with me during bow hunts.
Took a dremal tool to the two parts that meet to make it fold more. Now I can put in my b.o.b in a water proof sleeve.
Great guns. I have the LR, my son has the magnum. I did some minor modifications to the front sight, very accurate rifle. I do wildlife control, this gun goes with me everywhere. The ramp rear sights make switching from subsonics to, LR to HP effortless. My kids all shoot it when it’s home, youngest was 4, fit her fine. Perfect backpack rifle. I have many survival rifles, this is the smallest and most accurate. Magnum doesn’t get much use though.
Have 1 and love it. Fits well in a back pack
I haven’t got one yet, but have been putting the old stink eye one!
Brian-Lucy White ???
What state is this in?! And how much is a ticket (avoiding United airlines)
A great little option for @ $200.00