(Video) This Giant Monkey Fist is Unbelievable. Learn How to Construct One for Doomsday!

giant gorilla monkey fist

If you're a prepper who is new to the world of knots, then first you should learn that a monkey's fist or paw is a specific kind of knot.

In particular, this knot resembles the fist or paw of a monkey. Preppers use it as a weight at the end of a rope or heaving line to get tasks done. You can also use it as a weight around a stone, making it easier to throw the rope from one location to another. You also can use it without a weight and simply tie the knot.

A monkey fist also has many other purposes. A monkey fist can pull a cable to shore on a ship, and it can also act as an anchor while survivalists rock climb. It's also quite handy if preppers are stuck in a SHTF situation and can be used as a self-defense weapon.

Preppers enjoy learning new skills and knowing how to make a giant monkey fist is another DIY survival skill that's fun to learn.

Let us warn you — this monkey fist is huge — so let's call it a gorilla! Follow the steps on the video on the next page and learn how to construct a monkey fist for the collapse. 

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  1. Eel Lauer said:

    good article BUT, why do ya have to spread it across multiple pages? its quite annoying ya know…

  2. James Costilla-Gonzalez said:

    Not bad, I use grape shot for a canon, small one is 4 inch screen an wieghs a little over a pound, big one is 9 inch an about 2 1/2 pounds.

  3. Christopher R Anderson said:

    It’s a type of knot that is used in self-defense sometimes called a monkey’s paw or monkey fist not. Because it acts as a counterweight when thrown at a Target it can be used to tie down , suspend, or detain a person

  4. Christopher Peck said:

    It was actually used to throw a rope for docking ships. Of course they were huge compared to what we see today. It has only started to become a self defense aid in recent decades.

  5. Tim Mccloskey said:

    I always wondered what they used on ships. An had no idea what a monkey fist was thanks guys

  6. Ben Bruner said:

    I’m actually going to be making one of my own pretty soon

  7. William Stout said:

    I made one using a billiard ball, devastating if used as a self defense weapon.

  8. George Myers said:

    if a cueball or heavy weight is used inside of 550 cord, then you should double or triple it. one mokey fist knot will eventually cleave through. i did it with a 2 1/2 inch cannon ball. broke a few cinder blocks but it was destroyed after only on spree. tie one over another and use the long leads to weave the handle. also note the corners of the fingered panels. that is where you want your lead from an inside knot to come from. let them be on the same finger or diagonal on a finger plane for best handle. use different colors for the layers and the handle should be solomon knotted

  9. George Myers said:

    i used climbing rope as paracord doesnt stand up to destroying cinder blocks. tie one monkeyfist over another to make sure the cueball would have 4 layers of fingers instead of 2

  10. Rob Taylor said:

    ummm no I have guns and practical stuff to use for defence lol

  11. Jeremy Schrieber said:

    It has a couple. It is a weight for throwing a line over an object. And it is one hell of a head thumper if you need a weapon.

  12. Chris Bell said:

    I had thought of the weight but I can’t see this being a practical weapon. They take too much time to make when you can just use a padlock on a cord/bandana/chain etc

  13. Chris Bell said:

    I mean any type of weapon like this is iffy anyway cause its an equal opportunity weapon, it can hurt the user just as fast as the intended target.


