(Video) This Fail Safe Mosquito Trap is Something Everyone Should Learn How to Make


Almost all of us have at one point or another been pestered to distraction by a mosquito's buzz or bite.

With this amazing trap, you can reduce by the hundreds the number of mosquitoes you have to combat!

Have you ever had a mosquito buzzing around your head when you were trying to sleep?

That buzz is much more than just and annoyance.

Each year, mosquitoes kill over a million people, but with this incredible trap, you can start to get a handle on the number mosquitoes infesting your living spaces.

Can you think of any improvements to this mosquito trap? Tell us below.


  1. Stephen Keefer said:

    Tried it. Several times. Great for fruit flies but doesn’t catch mosquitos worth a damn.

  2. Michael Jimenez said:

    I’ve tried this. It works. It captures flying insects, but you will need multiple traps to be effective.


