(Video) This Doomsday Vehicle is Insane. It’s Ideal for Any and All Off Roading!


Its name is The Intimidator and once you see it you will know why this amazing vehicle has been given that title!

Think of yourself as a survivalist after the SHTF. You have one mode of transportation and there might come a time you will not only have to drive it but, if times become bad enough, you may have to live out of it! If that is the case, you will want something reliable and truly heavy-duty. The Intimidator has that plus more!

We know we have wet the appetite of any survivalist, so without further ado, we advise you to go to the next page, after the break, and look at this masterful piece of handiwork.

When the time comes and we all know it will, will keep its owner safe from all trouble foreign and domestic!

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  1. Peter Hutchins said:

    Better have experience in maintaining and repairing it. Much less the appropriate tools

  2. Becka Rfish said:

    In a doomsday situation you are going to be hard pressed to find fuel for this. It is also a very loud vehicle. No element of surprise going to happen with this beast.

  3. Chris Bell said:

    I bet its great on fuel….. you know, fuel, that stuff you won’t find in an apocalyptic scenario.

  4. Ray Zaballa said:

    I actually considered buying one. Major Surplus in CA sells them.

  5. Bryan Davis said:

    This thing is “Bad$#%&!@* love to drive down the 405 with this! Go ahead, cut in front of me haha!

  6. Jesse Soto said:

    Nice toy! Looks like an OshKosh item, MTVR type. Hope you have Someone on board that can work on this platform once you deploy it. Good luck.

  7. Vince Eversole said:

    One well placed round with a .22 at the oil filter on the right side just above the tire will shut it down. With it being bright white it’s an easy target.

  8. Alex Smith said:

    Not if it has an ldt465, you could run straight motor oil as fuel, which you could punch from any cars oil pn

  9. Becka Rfish said:

    It’s a multi fueled engine designed to operate reliably on a wide variety of fuels. Diesel fuel, jet fuel, kerosene, heating oil or gasoline. Yet gasoline should only be used in an emergency only because it does not properly lubricate the injector pump. Top speed for the vehicle you mentioned is only 56 mph. and only get 8 to 11 mpg. This truck would still be loud and heavy and a fuel hog on whatever fuel you would be using. Making the LDT 465 a big boys toy. But not in a doomsday situation where everything has become precious commodities.

  10. Becka Rfish said:

    The LTD 465 grated is a multi fueled engine that can operate reliably on a wide variety of fuels like diesel, jet, kerosene, heating oil or gasoline. Yet gasoline should only be used in an emergency, only because it does not properly lubricate the injector pump. Top speed is only 56 mph. and only gets 8 to 11 mpg. This truck would still be loud and heavy and a fuel hog on whatever fuel you would be using. Making the LDT 465 a big boys toy. But not in a doomsday situation where everything has become precious commodities.

  11. Curtis Synard said:

    Get a cheap VECH that is mostly use, take the body parts off and armor them ie with ar 500 steel or bullet proof material


