(Video) This DIY Fire Starting Log is Unbelievable!

fire kindling

You obviously have to have enough wood on hand once your fire is started to keep it burning, but having all the burning wood in the world is no help if you cannot get the blinking tinder and kindling lit sufficiently for the fire to catch.

This method, while not fail-safe, is one incredible way to make a long-lasting flame to light your tinder or kindling directly.

This method of starting a fire ensures you will have enough flame and heat to ignite and sustain almost any type of tinder or kindling.

Tip: Make a bunch of these and store them for starting a morning fire if you heat with a wood stove. It makes morning fire starting a breeze and it uses up both empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls as well as your dryer lint!

What fire starting tips do you know? Tell us below.


