(Video) This Clever Way of Catching Crabs is Ingenious. Who Knew This Would Work!

mud crab

We love people who come up with their own ideas then share them! Growing, hunting, and catching food will be the most important things to do once the grid goes down.

Many preppers already have this well in hand with their backyard gardens and fruit trees, canning, shotguns, fishing rods, and bows and arrows waiting for the hunt.

Then, for a delicacy that does not really seem that delicate when you see where and how they are caught, we have the crab catcher! With a little lemon and seasoning, these crabs look and apparently taste as good as anything you’d get from a restaurant!

After the break go on over to page two, then look and listen to a young man with his ingenious mud crab catcher.

He explains how it works and where exactly the best place is to set it down. Also, for you softies, there is a semi-sweet scene of him letting one of the crabs go. It’s understandable when he tells it and us why it is free!

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  1. Steven Richter said:

    Be careful when eating fresh water crustations they can carry some rather deadly parasites.

  2. Doug Larson said:

    You can also take a ball of tangled fishhing line. Put the bait in the center. When you feel the ball tugging, reel it in. The crab gets caught in the tangled mess and is brought in to shore. Can catch many this way.

  3. Daniel Bolton said:

    You can also go to a club in New Jersey and make a “friend”. You’re sure to catch some that way

  4. Alexander Kurth said:

    You can easily get crabs from the girl on the corner…. for a price of course

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