(Video) This Clever Trick Shows Us How Much Propane is Left in a Tank With No Gauge

propane tanks


Think of this scenario: The SHTF and nearly everyone around you is unprepared. You, of course, knew what you were doing early on and, with steaks, hot dogs, and burgers ready for the grill you invite some pals over for a big “end of days” party! They think you are awesome!

But then, you suddenly realize the propane tank for your grill is empty. How did that happen? No problem. As a prepper, you have a spare.

But then, the spouse admits she or he cannot recall if they had the spare tank filled. Can you really be entirely without propane?

The spare tank seems heavy enough but the scale isn’t working. You really need to measure and see if you have propane and how much. Is there a way to do this?

Yes, there is and it is simple and pretty ingenious. Go over to the next page to learn this clever trick! It shows us how much propane is left in a tank with no gauge.

If you use propane or plan to when the SHTF you will want to watch this video!

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  1. Sean Mel said:

    I’ve always just rapped my knuckle on the side. Knock until the sound changes. Pretty damned easy

  2. Bill Carroll said:

    everything to the idiots on facebook is either a trick or a hack that will amaze you…sad…

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