(Video) This Arctic Survival Story Is Insane! Wait Until This Prepper’s Survival Secrets Are Revealed…

Arctic survivalist

If you’re curious to see if you can make it out alive in the Arctic, watch this video below. This prepper will show you how to make the perfect shelter, how to keep yourself warm at night, and even why it's important to sit down and have a cup of tea! Even if you may not ever bug out in the arctic, it sure is entertaining to watch how one man does and how he chooses to live in harsh and cold conditions!

That survival instructor course is intense, to say the least. Being on your own for five days with no food or supplies? And being tested on your ability to create a fire in under 60 seconds, even with frozen fingers? That blows me a way.

Have you had to camp out in extremely cold temperatures? What are some of the essential things to know that this video might not have included? Share with us below!


  1. Thomas Whitten said:

    Ray Mears series of survival is a good way to gain some general knowledge of techniques. He demonstrates a lot and he’s been around. But a little perspective here. His shows and many others are made for TV. He has a whole crew behind him and can jump on a helicopter at any point when the going gets rough. Just take whatever these guys teach, practice them a lot then try them in the woods. It may or may not work for you.


